Now on to the shameless self promotion.
I'm in a band.A good one.It may not be your cup of tea, or you may love us, I don't know.Things are taking off for us and we stay booked up.Hell, venues have been calling us.I absolutely love it.Now, if you're some hipster indie snob, go away.You won't like all.Don't get me wrong,I like a fair amount of indie music,but I ABSOLUTELY HATE you Hipster'll make fun of my music yet you don't play an instrument?Go to back to Athens, the once vibrant and influential music town now fallen from grace,calling itself home to countless terrible bands playing what can be described only as contrived "Horse Shit".That place oozes snobbery and for what reason?Maybe because of what it USED to be.That's ridiculous.That's like the fat ass 45 year old guy that happened to play 2nd string on his high school football team the year they won the championship and bragging about it 30 years later.
Oh, would you look at that? I rambled.Now, back to the point. I'm so happy to be playing with these guys.We're ALL old fans of good Pop-Punk and Hardcore.So, what do we do? We fuse them.People are sick of all this Metal-Core Bullshit.I tried it for a bit, and hated doing it.There's only a handful of bands doing what we are and it's getting big.We're on the crest of a new wave.EVERY show we play, the venue owners,management and kids come up to us afterward just stoked on our stuff.It's new....sort of.I mean we've been playing New Found Glory's "My Friends Over You", and kids have been going nuts.It's like.."See, you liked this stuff before you had a rooster haircut and listened to shitty music.It's ok".We've even done an Atari's song a time or two. Here's a secret.... next time we play at the Pivot or Ekklesia, we're probably gonna cover MXPX.Mix this stuff with some Hardcore and breakdowns and you have SWING THE LEAD. We're recording some new material thats alot poppier than what's on our Myspace so stay tuned....
Check these video links...
i think you should ramble more often